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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Financial Literacy

This term we will be learning how to save money and how to use money wisely. We will establish a class currency and will learn how to budget our finances. We have spent a number of lessons so far learning about our New Zealand currency, the special features on our dollar notes and the Reserve Bank.We have tagged a variety of websites on our Delicious Bookmarking accounts under the tag financial. We will work through the tutorials on Banking For Our Future and learn a variety of ways to make the right financial choices. The class went onto a website called career services and found out information about what career they wanted to be and wrote the information and job down on a piece of scrap paper and put it in a little box and then Mrs Pearson mixed them up and we closed our eyes and picked one out and that is now our career in the classroom. It is a very good way to learn about finances.

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