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Monday, March 29, 2010

ME Project


For my me project I did it in a shape of a love heart, I was going to do it in a shape of a snowboard but I couldn't figure out how to make it like that. The colour of my me project is metallic blue. We had to have on our me project People, Places, and Passions.

My favourite picture on my people is the picture of my really good friends Jordan and Caleb, that live in Australia and their picture is of them with their two dogs and their Christmas tree.

My favourite picture on my places is the picture of our coffee group and some of my older cousins at Kia-Iwi Lakes, we went there for approximately seven years.

My favourite picture on my passions is the picture of me when I was about three years old and I wanted to become a make-up artist, so I snuck into my mums make-up drawer with my friend Caleb and toke out her red lipstick and put it all over our body's and on our legs and arms. But on the picture it only shows it on my face !

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