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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


APN Newspapers in Education’s Design the Front Page of a Newspaper Competition is run each year during Terms 2 and 3. Students work in groups of up to four to complete an A2 front page of a newspaper of their own. Entering the competition and attending teacher workshops is free.
There are two age categories years 5 & 6, and years 7 & 8. Ten national prizes of $1000 are awarded to the best entrants, and local prizes are awarded by each participating newspaper. Schools within circulation areas of participating APN newspapers are eligible to enter. There is also a Design the Front Page of a Newspaper Manual which contains both teacher information and student activities. Suitable for Years 5+. The entries close on August 21 2010. I'm in a group of 3, there is Micaela, Connor and I.

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